Release You

Release You
You are an embodiment of power and grace. You are a rare gem fearlessly and wonderfully created by the Master Craft, God Himself. Know and gain this simple yet profound truth about yourself and act mightily in accordance.

Release that power, release that strength, release you. You are one significant universe in your own right agreed by God. Just don’t sit down there in worry and self-abasement but take rightful actions now. Act on that which God has deposited in you even before the foundations of the earth. Act and let Him caution and guide you. Act to His glory.

Make use of your talents and gain more talents as this is what pleases God. Release that force which God labored in you. Remember, He gave you all of that for His glory not yours. God is waiting on you to act and make the best use of yourself. He is patiently waiting. Take that step and make Him smile. He has emotions too.


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