Educate your Mind First

"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he”- Holy Bible

The education of the mind and self is of utmost importance if we ever intend to progress from where we are to our future desired destination. One of the most awesome discovery of the Twenty-First Century is that “Human beings can alter their lives by altering their minds.”

You are an embodiment of thoughts and you are exactly what you think about. Where you are at this moment and this day is a direct reflection of what you have been thinking about. Think success and you will be successful likewise think mediocrity and you will be a mediocre. Yes, it is that simple. We cannot continually entertain negative thoughts of fear, anxiety, depression etc. and expect positive outcomes in our lives. That will be like planting a mango seed and expecting to harvest cocoyam. Impossible!   

Just like how we water our plants to grow, we must water our minds regularly to expand its muscles. You may educate your mind by reading good books (mainly non-fiction) that are in sync with where we are headed and what we intend to achieve. This broadens our perspective and stretches the mind to a whole another level. Surround yourself with positive-minded and driven individuals and embrace a deeper spiritual life by bettering your relationship with God. He has a way of perfecting things.


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