
Showing posts from September, 2016

The Story of the Heart

“One love, one heart, one destiny”- Bob Marley The heart is a soft and delicate place. The center and operational hub of our soul. The heart is gifted and highly talented in deciding our outcomes as human beings and also known as the gravitational force of our daily decisions. Likened to a soft and teary little girl in constant need of emotional pampering and petting, she must be timely attended to else she falls ill and dies. The heart is always in constant conflict with the ideas of the brain but somehow manages to secure her position as the leader and master. This makes the brain sad and depressed but what can he do? The heart is often praised for her ruggedness and soft-tendered nature and graced with combining these two highly clashing attributes infused in a single organ. But that is her powerful nature and exactly what makes her different and unsurprisingly distinctive. This very organ is what determines the nature of man- evil or angelic or the combination of both at

What Are You Mastering?

“You are your master. Only you have the master keys to open the inner locks.”- Amit Ray To master anything- a Skill, a Vocation, an Art or a Business will mean a total and consistent devotion of your complete being- mind, body and soul and the application of your best self into whatever it is you have chosen to master. Until you are ready to achieve this feat, mastery which is already a herculean task, will keep eluding you and hence, become impossible to achieve. What is it you are trying to master? Pour out your soul on it. Dedicate and block out a particular time of the day towards its achievement and make it your duty to be consistent with your practice. Become obsessed with it and never look back once you begin. Mastery is the accumulation of little but consistent efforts built up over time. In other words, mastery is never a one-time event but series of events practiced religiously. Become more mindful of your being and know what it is you are trying to master and neve

7 Ways to Feel Good About Yourself

1.       Be Grateful . Gratitude is wisdom. Gratitude is being appreciative for what you have and where you are now. Gratitude is being thankful even in the midst of challenges and setbacks. It is sincerely being grateful about the fact that things would have been far worse than they are right now. Gratitude is a prayer of its kind and one of the best ways to secure greater blessings. Gratitude will open more doors. Acknowledging the good that you already have is the foundation for all abundance. 2.       Exercise Frequently . Working out enables our bodies to produce more endorphins which is known as the “happiness gland”. Exercising has a general way of helping us feel good. Just knowing that you are healthy and in a good shape can increase your mental and physical strength. Develop a plan that will help you to exercise more and your body will be grateful for it. 3.       Start Having More Fun . All work and no play makes Ugo a dull boy. Life should not always be serious.