7 Ways to Feel Good About Yourself

1.      Be Grateful. Gratitude is wisdom. Gratitude is being appreciative for what you have and where you are now. Gratitude is being thankful even in the midst of challenges and setbacks. It is sincerely being grateful about the fact that things would have been far worse than they are right now. Gratitude is a prayer of its kind and one of the best ways to secure greater blessings. Gratitude will open more doors. Acknowledging the good that you already have is the foundation for all abundance.

2.      Exercise Frequently. Working out enables our bodies to produce more endorphins which is known as the “happiness gland”. Exercising has a general way of helping us feel good. Just knowing that you are healthy and in a good shape can increase your mental and physical strength. Develop a plan that will help you to exercise more and your body will be grateful for it.

3.      Start Having More Fun. All work and no play makes Ugo a dull boy. Life should not always be serious. Striking a good balance between work and play is wisdom. Learn to take a break. Create more play time with friends and family. Travel to a new continent, build more meaningful relationships. Having fun has a way of rejuvenating our souls and hence, increasing productivity. Sustained success is a balance of discipline and celebration.

4.      Live in the Moment. Stop that unceasing thinking about the future. The term future is illusory. It can never come. Or let’s put this in a clearer form, yesterday’s future is today’s now which makes now the ultimate future. Understand that the only time you have is right now. Become more mindful and aware of your surroundings by practicing daily meditation. Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life.

5.      Set and Achieve your Goals. There are few things that will make you feel awesome and setting and achieving your objectives is at the top of the list. This will boost your self-esteem and self-image. This will enable you to make peace with your ability to reach any goal or conquer any challenge that life may place on your table. Goal achieving is paramount if we intend to self-actualize. If you want to make a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.

6.      Learn Something New Every Day. Learn from just about anything. Be keen and observant about the way things work. Learn from any source you can- from books, courses, experiences and problems. Learning will increase your knowledge and value even in the market place. Attend seminars and workshops regularly. Develop an insatiable appetite for reading to increase your ability to think and reason. To stay young, we must keep learning.

7.      Get Enough Sleep. Experts recommend that we should get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day. You have to sleep more to be more awake. Good sleeping habit helps the body to fight off opportunistic illnesses and also helps us to stay healthy.


  1. Thank you boss!! you must start jogging across Lekki Bridge every morning and you MUST SLEEEEEEEEPPP!!!


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