Never Seek Validation

“A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.”
Vernon Howard

A validation seeker is more often than not a destiny loser. To seek validation or approval for your work and creativity is to dilute your spark. Be original, be real and just do your thing. Create and produce your works at your highest levels and try to be the best in anything your heart might have chosen for you.

Live your life on your terms and do exactly what it is that you intend to do. Never allow the voice of the next man to rob of you off your passion and greatness. Make it your practice to run as far away as possible from destiny distorters. The sad thing is that some of these people actually wish you their very best and have very good intentions for your progress only if it is line with what they think is best for you. Take three steps backwards from such persons.

Really, what is the point of mixing-up another man’s negativity into your work? That work will cease to be real and will lack the flow expected from an original soul. Thank God Jesus never sought validation from anyone. He knew exactly who He was and acted accordingly. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to adopt His style.

The point is this- you don’t need to tell or beg or cajole people to tell you who you are and what you capable of achieving or otherwise. Step out in boldness and create your work to the best of your ability and creativity. Your identity is in Christ.


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