Don't Go With the Flow

Flow here is described as the acceptance of a general pattern of living, usually configured by society whose values and belief systems are super-imposed on and accepted by weak minds.

Flow is synonymous to mediocrity.

Flow which many of us have accepted or accepting is both a conscious and unconscious ploy against our unique destinies. Obviously, each and every one of us is a distinct being, created with unique talents and abilities inherent in our souls. So accepting to go with the flow is always cancerous to the soul.

Notwithstanding, it is easier to go with the flow because for most people, seeking and meditating deep into our spirits in search of answers on why we are here, has always proved a difficult task. This should not be surprising because most of us will rather die than to engage our brains with simple thinking.

Whether we like it or not, we were created for something specific, something only you can do and fulfill on this earth. There has been no one dead or alive who is youer than you and that is your greatest strength.

Having said enough, it is high time we plunged deep into our rich souls and seek divine answers as to what we are doing here. All over history, persons who were courageous enough to engage in this exercise emerged successful. They became great Inventors, Writers, Poets, Footballers and Musicians just to mention a few.

Life is a blink so it is foolhardy to live it fulfilling someone else’ dream or settling for a life far beyond our capabilities. Your soul is crying out for a release of its tremendous being to be made manifest in our today’s world dazed with many problems yet unsolved. Will you do something about it?


  1. nice word..but how distinct can every one be to be unique?..because the same abilities and talents could be found amongst in other words i would like to add that persistence and continous developments separates you from others. Messi probably wouldnt have been the greatest player on this surface if he got lazy and started partying like ronaldinho or found some other interest in table tennis.
    So interests, skill and persidtence separates you from the flow.


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