Touch the Next Life

Touch the Next Life

To touch means to save, to influence, to leave an everlasting mark or impression upon the soul of another. To spark up and illuminate the world of the next man.

Share yourself with humanity. The sun wasn’t created to shine for itself. Without the earth and human beings to shine on, the mighty sun will be pretty useless. This also applies to us. If we are not sharing our gifts, skills and talents with people then what’s the point? Our existence will now be questionable.

We were created to shine, to shine heavily on anyone God places within the sphere of our influence. We should be eager and generous enough to share our unique and beautiful souls with the world. That is why you are here in the first place. Never be selfish with your gifts else they become a curse to you and a missing link to the overall beauty and sanity of our world.

Touch the next soul with the slightest opportunity you have got. Be keen to perform this task as this is what is expected of us by God. Don’t waste yourself and don’t deny the next man of your unique and special being. Share yourself and get your shine on. In a world where you can be anything, choose to be kind.


  1. Beautiful piece...Indeed, we were created for a purpose and would never know what it is until we stick our necks out there n matter how minimal our efforts are, someone somewhere will feel it's make it count.

  2. Nice one...We were created for fellowship...
    No one is an Island
    Thanks Ugoizm


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