Don’t Think Twice

Don’t Think Twice

Many thought twice and missed it. Many thought twice and woke up Eighty-Five. Many thought twice and are now in the grave with wasted talents and unfulfilled potentials. Many are still thinking twice as we speak. Are you one of them?

Thinking twice breeds doubt and slows you down and you don’t want to be slowed down in this fast moving and uncertain place.

That idea has been troubling your heart for ages now and you are still thinking twice. Act now before you wake up a granny soaked in tears of regrets and despair of inaction. Do it now and stop living in the fool’s paradise called procrastination. Act now and ask questions later.

Stop that unending research and answer the wakeup call of your soul. It is your ethical and moral duty to satisfy the God-imposed desire of your heart. Stop riding aimlessly and begin with your journey finally. Start taking massive actions now towards the realization of your goals and dreams. Take the step today and witness a corresponding increase in your happiness. Happiness emanates from the completion of set goals and objectives. Start getting happy now.

Stop thinking and start acting now. Stop the endless strategies upon strategies and start taking concrete actions. Always remember action speaks louder than words. Enough said.


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