
Showing posts from 2016

Never Seek Validation

“A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.” ― Vernon Howard A validation seeker is more often than not a destiny loser. To seek validation or approval for your work and creativity is to dilute your spark. Be original, be real and just do your thing. Create and produce your works at your highest levels and try to be the best in anything your heart might have chosen for you. Live your life on your terms and do exactly what it is that you intend to do. Never allow the voice of the next man to rob of you off your passion and greatness. Make it your practice to run as far away as possible from destiny distorters. The sad thing is that some of these people actually wish you their very best and have very good intentions for your progress only if it is line with what they think is best for you. Take three steps backwards from such persons. Really, what is the point of mixing-up another man’s negativity into your wor

Protect your Happiness

“A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?” Albert Einstein Find your happiness in the little things of life. Don’t wait until you reach your destined landmark to be happy but learn to be happy along the way. Do not make your yardstick of happiness too tall or you may be unhappy for a very long time. Happiness comes from being true and frank with yourself and letting nothing come in between you and your very original aspirations. Being happy is of importance if we intend to self-actualize. Protect your happiness and guard it jealously as it is an essential ingredient in your food of life. Make good efforts to understanding exactly what it is- activities, habits or hobbies that give you joy and a sense of fulfillment then do more of these things in mammoth measures. For example, reading and writing makes me very happy so I engage myself with these activities every day. I just never miss out! Life is quite short and fragile to be sad

The Story of the Heart

“One love, one heart, one destiny”- Bob Marley The heart is a soft and delicate place. The center and operational hub of our soul. The heart is gifted and highly talented in deciding our outcomes as human beings and also known as the gravitational force of our daily decisions. Likened to a soft and teary little girl in constant need of emotional pampering and petting, she must be timely attended to else she falls ill and dies. The heart is always in constant conflict with the ideas of the brain but somehow manages to secure her position as the leader and master. This makes the brain sad and depressed but what can he do? The heart is often praised for her ruggedness and soft-tendered nature and graced with combining these two highly clashing attributes infused in a single organ. But that is her powerful nature and exactly what makes her different and unsurprisingly distinctive. This very organ is what determines the nature of man- evil or angelic or the combination of both at

What Are You Mastering?

“You are your master. Only you have the master keys to open the inner locks.”- Amit Ray To master anything- a Skill, a Vocation, an Art or a Business will mean a total and consistent devotion of your complete being- mind, body and soul and the application of your best self into whatever it is you have chosen to master. Until you are ready to achieve this feat, mastery which is already a herculean task, will keep eluding you and hence, become impossible to achieve. What is it you are trying to master? Pour out your soul on it. Dedicate and block out a particular time of the day towards its achievement and make it your duty to be consistent with your practice. Become obsessed with it and never look back once you begin. Mastery is the accumulation of little but consistent efforts built up over time. In other words, mastery is never a one-time event but series of events practiced religiously. Become more mindful of your being and know what it is you are trying to master and neve

7 Ways to Feel Good About Yourself

1.       Be Grateful . Gratitude is wisdom. Gratitude is being appreciative for what you have and where you are now. Gratitude is being thankful even in the midst of challenges and setbacks. It is sincerely being grateful about the fact that things would have been far worse than they are right now. Gratitude is a prayer of its kind and one of the best ways to secure greater blessings. Gratitude will open more doors. Acknowledging the good that you already have is the foundation for all abundance. 2.       Exercise Frequently . Working out enables our bodies to produce more endorphins which is known as the “happiness gland”. Exercising has a general way of helping us feel good. Just knowing that you are healthy and in a good shape can increase your mental and physical strength. Develop a plan that will help you to exercise more and your body will be grateful for it. 3.       Start Having More Fun . All work and no play makes Ugo a dull boy. Life should not always be serious.

Stop Wasting your Days

“A man who dares to waste an hour of his time has not discovered the value of life.”- Charles Darwin A new day is a brand new gift and a brand new blessing. A day no one has ever seen before that has in it immense opportunities. The gift of time is indeed the ultimate blessing yet many of us are still unaware. We just stroll in and out of a new day with nothing concrete to show for it. This lackadaisical attitude should cease immediately if you ever want to amount to anything. Your time is your best resource and unlike money, if wasted, can never be recovered. Your time is your destiny. Your time is your life and your time is you. Embrace your time today and endeavor to squeeze out its rich juice. Rape every bit of it and be unapologetic in doing so. You owe no one an explanation. Understand that each moment is sacred and you should learn to treasure it. Be mindful of your time and double your efforts towards the realization of your dreams. Never allow a day to pass without

Educate your Mind First

  "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he”- Holy Bible The education of the mind and self is of utmost importance if we ever intend to progress from where we are to our future desired destination. One of the most awesome discovery of the Twenty-First Century is that “Human beings can alter their lives by altering their minds.” You are an embodiment of thoughts and you are exactly what you think about. Where you are at this moment and this day is a direct reflection of what you have been thinking about. Think success and you will be successful likewise think mediocrity and you will be a mediocre. Yes, it is that simple. We cannot continually entertain negative thoughts of fear, anxiety, depression etc. and expect positive outcomes in our lives. That will be like planting a mango seed and expecting to harvest cocoyam. Impossible!     Just like how we water our plants to grow, we must water our minds regularly to expand its muscles. You may educate your mind by reading g

Don't Go With the Flow

Flow here is described as the acceptance of a general pattern of living, usually configured by society whose values and belief systems are super-imposed on and accepted by weak minds. Flow is synonymous to mediocrity. Flow which many of us have accepted or accepting is both a conscious and unconscious ploy against our unique destinies. Obviously, each and every one of us is a distinct being, created with unique talents and abilities inherent in our souls. So accepting to go with the flow is always cancerous to the soul. Notwithstanding, it is easier to go with the flow because for most people, seeking and meditating deep into our spirits in search of answers on why we are here, has always proved a difficult task. This should not be surprising because most of us will rather die than to engage our brains with simple thinking. Whether we like it or not, we were created for something specific, something only you can do and fulfill on this earth. There has been no one dea

In the Dark

  Darkness explains struggle. Darkness hopes a possibility of light. In the dark the Great are born. Your present darkness will pave the way for your rebirth. Most of us have and will experience darkness in our life time. Darkness may mean harsh struggles, hopelessness, confusion and sadness. It is in this ordeal that the human mind wittingly develops a means of adaption and innovation. It is through this process that the great are thoroughly defined and the weak give-up on what would have become their destinies. We cannot afford to disregard this bitter-sweet process that refines us into what we are supposed to become. Let’s all learn to embrace the change, hug the struggle and know for sure that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Stay put in the tussle and don’t give up. Your rewards you will reap in due time. The difficulties will help to forge a way to your mastery and build you into a better specie with an uncanny ability to adapt to any form of change. Smil

Start Working on your Legacy

Life should be lived intentionally, well strategized and mapped out if we intend to make the best out of it. Now is the time to develop a blue-print for your future and to make the rest of your life the best of your life. Think and meditate on how you wish to be remembered and get to work immediately. Start creating your legacy today and fight for your place in history. You are worth far more than you think you are. You are God’s image and possess immeasurable gifts and talents. You had better start believing. Whatever your mind can conceive, it can achieve. It’s time to be the achiever you were created to be. Your legacy is why you are here. What is the point of dying and not be remembered spectacularly? That will be a precious waste of life. Ask God for guidance, define your path and stay true to it. Live thoroughly and let your works in whatever form it may take, be a blessing to you and others. God has done His part in blessing us with different skills and talents and our gi

Don’t Think Twice

Don’t Think Twice Many thought twice and missed it. Many thought twice and woke up Eighty-Five. Many thought twice and are now in the grave with wasted talents and unfulfilled potentials. Many are still thinking twice as we speak. Are you one of them? Thinking twice breeds doubt and slows you down and you don’t want to be slowed down in this fast moving and uncertain place. That idea has been troubling your heart for ages now and you are still thinking twice. Act now before you wake up a granny soaked in tears of regrets and despair of inaction. Do it now and stop living in the fool’s paradise called procrastination. Act now and ask questions later. Stop that unending research and answer the wakeup call of your soul. It is your ethical and moral duty to satisfy the God-imposed desire of your heart. Stop riding aimlessly and begin with your journey finally. Start taking massive actions now towards the realization of your goals and dreams. Take the step today and witness a

Touch the Next Life

Touch the Next Life To touch means to save, to influence, to leave an everlasting mark or impression upon the soul of another. To spark up and illuminate the world of the next man. Share yourself with humanity. The sun wasn’t created to shine for itself. Without the earth and human beings to shine on, the mighty sun will be pretty useless. This also applies to us. If we are not sharing our gifts, skills and talents with people then what’s the point? Our existence will now be questionable. We were created to shine, to shine heavily on anyone God places within the sphere of our influence. We should be eager and generous enough to share our unique and beautiful souls with the world. That is why you are here in the first place. Never be selfish with your gifts else they become a curse to you and a missing link to the overall beauty and sanity of our world. Touch the next soul with the slightest opportunity you have got. Be keen to perform this task as this is what is expected

Release You

Release You You are an embodiment of power and grace. You are a rare gem fearlessly and wonderfully created by the Master Craft, God Himself. Know and gain this simple yet profound truth about yourself and act mightily in accordance. Release that power, release that strength, release you. You are one significant universe in your own right agreed by God. Just don’t sit down there in worry and self-abasement but take rightful actions now. Act on that which God has deposited in you even before the foundations of the earth. Act and let Him caution and guide you. Act to His glory. Make use of your talents and gain more talents as this is what pleases God. Release that force which God labored in you. Remember, He gave you all of that for His glory not yours. God is waiting on you to act and make the best use of yourself. He is patiently waiting. Take that step and make Him smile. He has emotions too.

Take on the Challenge

Take on the Challenge Take on with and embrace the challenge. That challenge will propel and get you to a new place. That challenge will lead you towards the manifestation of your unique destiny. Hug that challenge and dare to go higher. Life is more beautiful upon the completion of a challenge. The Philosopher Seneca once said “ It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult .” A challenge defeated will resurrect your mind to a whole new level. You will start to see yourself like a super human believing in the possibility of all things. If you look closely, you will discover that even the word ‘impossible’ translates to I-AM-POSSIBLE. Stop tucking your tail like a frightened little puppy when confronted with a challenge but brace-up and stand strong like the warrior that you are. Greatness lives in you and greatness will be manifested through you. Indeed, what is life without challenges and problems? Mundan